A downloadable game for Windows

Download NowName your own price

(REQUIRES WINDOWS 10 - I believe this is a Unreal Engine 5 necessity) 

(PATREON VERSIONS - Will be available here for one-time individual purchase if you don't feel like subscribing on patreon. That being said, Patrons on Patreon get access to all versions of the game at no additional cost to their membership.)

DamselRace is going to be a fun mix of the chaoticness of Fall guys and the skills and back and forth of Dead by Daylight, but with not horror! All the perils packed up into one of the greatest game shows! You play as one of the many damsels running though an arena, trying to win and stay away from the devious perils and become the star entertainment against your will! 

Current the game is in VERY EARLY ALPHA, many perils, binds captures, and restraints to test. Eventually you'll be able to control the nabbers, traveling through a fully created map with traps, phases, puzzled paths, hiding places, and most importantly, some form of prison and processing for those that fail! Those that get close to the end or inevitably fail will be lorded over by the floor boss near the victory exit! Only defeating or passing this boss will a damsel see victory and independent fame! 

(Permanent Early Access Key) ($50 ) - This key will grant you...

  • Access to all current and  future versions of the game from now to Final Base Game Release on Steam and Itch.io. (You will be granted a permanent Itch.io key that gives you access to all downloads the moment they go LIVE)
  • A key to the final product (both for Steam and Itch.io if preferred)
  • A custom damsel as defined on Patreon  (Tier 2 - Trainer) (Patreon Link below)
  • These keys and benefits will be distributed by message on Patreon or Discord! 
  • Your purchase contains all the information you need on a Readme.txt that explains how to get your key and benefits

If you have any questions on stuff I may have missed, or you need clarification don't hesistate to reach out first in the comments. I'm happy to discuss ths BEFORE your purchase, as well as after. 

(WARNING: DO NOT PURCHASE this if you are already a DamselRace Founder or already have a permanent access key. This is the same purchase, but on Itch.io. In addition, there is a $60 tier on Patreon that provides this key plus the addition of adding your own ideas to the game. Please review if you are interested.)

(Please DO NOT PURCHASE , if you cannot communicate on Discord or Patreon , links to communication will come with purchase ) 

(The game is also intended to be fully integrated into Steam Multiplayer, if Steam is not a platform for you, please DO NOT PURCHASE this key )

SPECIFICS: The Steam version of the game will only contain stable versions of the game, Patreon/Itch.io will continue to host unstable and small minor updates for Early Access purpose, this permament key gives you access to these unstable updates. 

VALUE OF PRODUCT: The base Steam Game  / Itch.io is planned to cost $10-$15 USD . The permanent access key costs that value, plus a value for the assumed leftover time for Early Access. Currently Early Access, at its cheapest, costs $3 USD per month. At that value, $30 on patreon gets you 10 months of Access, and $51 gets you 17 months. This key will reduce in PRICE as Early Access comes to a close. Early Access as of 12/5/2024 will continue at minimum 24 more months. I am a solo dev, so it will probably last longer, but I work as fast as I can. That means that this key allows you to forward the cost, and not have to pay monthly. On top of saving on cost for testing new content first in early access. 

The game will release for around $10-$15 for stable updates on Steam / Itch.io . If you're not interested in staying up-to-date with all the early testing of this game, this key is not for you! 

Controls (QWERTY) : 

E - START - Interact (Press to Release from Capsule)

WASD - Move

Q - Quit (not active as of 17.97)

Escape / Esc - Pause Menu Options 

Backspace - (Debug) Capture all damsels with drones

R - Reset

Shift - Sprint

G - Carry Damsel

Shift+F - Face Cam

1 - Struggle Arms / Struggle if Restrained

2 - Struggle Legs / Struggle if Restrained

3 - Struggle Gag

7 - DEBUG BUTTON (Allows being restrained without Orb Escort, and when on Techhorse or equipped with hypnovisor, switches Intensity)

8 - (DEBUG) (version 17.99) - Activates Latex Vac Storage on Damsel in Prototype Map

(comma and period) - Switch Damsel (not active as of 0.17.5) (active again on 17.97)


Secret Nabber Mode:

R - Restart

Esc - Quit

E - Vote (Vote Phase) /Save (Heroine/Heroine Phase) /Bind (Nabber / Nabber Phase) (during proper phase)

F - Save Self (Heroine) / Bind Self (Nabber)


Version 0.17.99 - Minor Update - Unreal 5.5, Customization and more! 

- Upgraded game to Unreal 5.5 including upgrade to all damsels to be nanite supported which should greatly increase performance 
- Fixed another full mask bug so it doesn't clip on shoulders
- Adding Vac Storage to Secret Nabber, and as a Debug option ( Press 8) in Prototype Map
- Fully changed damsel customization system. Top/Bot/Sock color alterations added.
- (ROLLOVER BUGS) - With the new customization system it increases performance but requires more tweaks, only Latex has been fully updated, anything else may have notable texture clippings especially in any leg bindings. Latex Trap is also a part of the un-updated assets for the new customizations.

Version 0.17.98 - Minor Update - Multiplayer Minigame Offline! 

- Secret Nabber Prototype added to game! (Implementing online soon!)
- Significant performance updates as I rearrange certain code I think was causing drops
-Camera updates to hopefully fix some weird glitches
-Improved HypnoRing Particle Effect ripples to follow the damsel head and be more dynamic
-Experimented with Latex Black colors and shading to make those variations more pronounced and defined.

Version 0.17.97 - Minor update - Pre-Multiplayer minigame!

- Damsel Xya's collisions were fixed
- Latex Trap is added to map
- Foot accessories customization addage. (Socks and Pantyhose) (known bug does not show up in map only customization will fix)
- Updated Transporter GOrb spawners to spawn a fleet if necessary to take damsels to where they need to go
-  (Debug) Added a mass capture drone command, as many drones as possible spawn to capture all damsels ( Use Backspace Key)
- (Debug) Changing Damsels, during a session, updated and added in again. (Use < and > key to switch)
- Front-arm Latex Jacket added 
- Added "Pause" Menu to quit, restart or return to main menu. (Use Esc / Escape Key)

Version 0.17.96 - Minor Update - Early Map, Bugfixes, and Imprisonment Transition System! 
- The framework of the map is now out! The map size might remain the same, and the idea would be roughly the following. An inital housing phase 1, then processing area in the large science building for phase 2, then a deep Rogue AI core in phase 3 where the exit will be! 
- Many texture issues, animation issues and clipping issues fixed.
- Transition system added. Now when you remain on a restraint, there will be a timelimit where an orb will be called to escort you between containment and punishment phases. This is to prototype later imprisonment mechanics, where you will be put into a cell for a time, then forced to go into punishment if you remain around, or are misbehaving, or just require further training to fit your purpose for the AI, whether it be further study or honing a new servant. 
- Minions on the left dispense Autotape only, minions on the right dispense a random assortment of bindings. 

Version 0.17.95 - Minor Update - AUTOTAPE!? And bug fixes! 
- An assortment of fixes ranging from Latex Straitjacket fixes to Transparency texture fixes to lessen clipping. TechHorse update to stop weird falling animation break, and fixes to restraint removal process so that damsels aren't weirdly coupling animations when imprisoned. 
- Autotape GOrb added with a whole assortment of Tier 1 simple tape wraps, to Tier 3 fully taped up damsels! The Autotape G-Orbs are by the Blue Rings, all other orbs distibute the other bindings and have a chance to give Tier 1 and Tier 2 tape bindings. 
- Face Cam autoswitching disabled till I can fix cliping issues
- This update took alot of work over the year and I'll be taking a break due to personal issues. Patreon will remain the most convenient price as its much easier to access those funds in my current situation. Apologies to anyone that only supports on itch.io but no worries v18 will hopefully come soon and pricing should normalize if patreon is not your thing! (Itch.io - $6 for this version, Patreon - $3 for All version including upcoming versions for a month)

Version 0.17.9 - Minor Update - Stats, Struggles and Hypno, Oh my!!
- Voice Pack A.2 InvaderNoodles Added!
- Latex Reverse Straitjacket added to arm restraints -Niagara Aura Effect added for Hypno animations
- Tension audio added, creaking rope and latex restraints
- 2 over-the-shoulder loop animations added for variety
- Stats Framework added. Invest in stats, makes struggling easier or harder depending on skill levels and type of restraint. Charm does nothing for now. Most restraints need STR/AGL , Hypno needs INT/PER, Techpole needs AGL only. Most subject to change. 

Version 0.17.8 - Minor Update - ITS FREE!!! 

- Voice Pack C Ruda Vega Added
- Voice Pitch Slider added to customization menu
- Vibrator and Hypnosis Noises added to respective restraints
- Aesthetic restraint straps added for tech horse
- General tweaks, QoL changes and Extra Passive Animations updated
- Hypnosis Intensity added, can be changed with Debug Key 

Version 0.17.7 - Minor Update, Vibrotrons! 

  • Voice Pack B Damia added
  • Voice Pack customization added to Menu, including Voice Pack Preview button.
  • TechHorse/Vibrotron added, including voicing and intensity settings.
  • Temporary Debug button added (Check Controls above). Debug button will have several purposes. When not restrainted it allows you to get into a restraint without an orb escort. While on the Techhorse it can cycle through intensity settings.
  • Temp fix on Save Issue. When you start the game for the first time, it will auto-quit to create a save for you. Just start the game again and it should work. If the game keeps autoquitting, something on your computer is causing you to not save the game.

Version 0,17.6 - Minor Update, HypnoVisors!!!!

  • Updated to Unreal 5.4
  • (Graphics Menu) - Ability to switch Resolution, Window Type, Vsync, and  Low to Ultra Asset selection. 
  • (Voice Update) Stock voice updated withthe initial Voice A Pack commissioned to and performed by @VixxenVA on X . All previous voicelines have been updated to Voice A, and structure has been created so other voicelines packs may be selected for future versions. 
  • (Hypnosis start) - Added a hypnovisor which is added when restrained to a mechanical ring. In this version, orbs will prioritize filling these rings. Hypno-visor causes lust voicelines to execute. 

Version 0.17.5 -  Press E to start! 

  • Start Menu
  • Damsel Cloth Customization
  • Damsel Select (in start menu)
  • Revised Tech Pole (w/ bug fixes)
  • New Restraint Stasis Tube (May just use it as a starting restraint that drops the damsel into the map)

Version 0.17 - Restraint Struggle, More Restraints, and Face Anims - Added Tech Pole and Mechanical Ring to the restraints. In addtion you can now struggle out of all restraints. Voices should be added to any new anims. Characters now blink "naturally". In addition face animations have been added as flavour to certain events and animations. 

Version 0.16.5 - Patreon Voice, Character Swap & More anims - Added more anims to Restraint Ring. The game now has ambient music and a collection of prototype struggle voicelines and gagged voicelines. Struggling out of legs, when your arms are bound, has been significantly reduced to a low chance. In addition, you can possess the other damsels by clicking the appropriate key.

Version 0.16 - Struggle Update - An assortment of animation updates and logic updates allowing you to struggle out of your bindings. There is a 50% chance to get out of any bind. If you try to struggle legs while your arms are bound, its a 33% chance. New Damsel (Silvia) by Trainer and Gamemaker FeatheredTrash on Patreon

Version 0.15.5 - Armbinder Update - New armbinder animations, Orb is now able to apply armbinder animations. Rewrote plenty of code so unsure if anything may have bugged out. Crawling time extended to allow worming about :3 . New Damsel Added, Pandora - provided by Trainer and Gamemaker Orca on Patreon. 

Version 0.14 - Capturing is same as before, no struggling. Added Carry Damsel, Sprint and Face Cam. Orbs have gag attack. Will have armbinder attack soon. Orb can catwalk is single orb that respawns so you can see options. Going into the Ring room, you will get harrassed :3 . AI updated so Orb takes you towards an open ring, so it is possible for both Tera and Athena to be Restrained. More info on discord and devlog

Version 0.1 - You can get captured by the orb and after 7 seconds he will take you to the restraint ring. No struggling in this version. If your quick enough you can drag him onto the other damsel and the same result will occur.

Posts on updates can be found over at Deviantart or Discord. For more looks onto what I'm working on, make sure to go there! 

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/damselrace

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DamselRace 

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/BryXgJZuqn


Hiya, call me The Gamemaker, or DamselRace, or Jaler! I'm a expert programmer and hobby animator looking to develop a game I've dubbed DamselRace, "The hit show broadcasted across three galaxies!" Its my hope to make a challenge game full of peril, as damsels race for fame and fortune, they are pitted against depravities new and old for the entertainment of all!

I'll be building the game up so first off I'm looking to make a fun peril game, probably solo adventure pitting you against NPCs. Eventually I'm hoping to make the game Coop, if possible Multiplayer so everyone can enjoy the DamselRace together, slowing building gauntlets and arenas full of community favorite perils. Far far future, I'm thinking I'd like to support villains and DMs, looking to take a gamemaker role, provide a portion of the game where you can setup your own traps and dungeon runs, or simply take part as one of the minions that roam the arena! Essentially becoming one of the many devious AI mines that runs the DamselRace

If you feel like supporting me, feel free to head over to my patreon. I'm new to most of these sites so if I missed anything let me know!

StatusIn development
Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
(24 total ratings)
Made withUnreal Engine, Blender
Tags3D, Adult, bondage, damsel, Erotic, Escape Game, Hentai, NSFW, peril


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

(Free) DamselRace 0.17.8 409 MB
DamselRace0.16.rar 370 MB
DamselRace0.15.5.rar 355 MB
DamselRace0.14.rar 324 MB
DamselRaceV0.1.rar 281 MB
(Patreon Version) DamselRace 0.17.7 407 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more
(Patreon Version) DamselRace 0.17.6 392 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more
(Patreon Version) DamselRace0.17.rar 410 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more
(Patreon Version) DamselRace0.17.5.rar 438 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more
(Patreon Version) DamselRace0.16.5.rar 403 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more
(Patreon Version) DamselRace0.17.97 (free for 3$ tier) 882 MB
if you pay $6 USD or more
(Patreon) DamselRace0.17.96. (Free for $3 Patreon Tier) 878 MB
if you pay $6 USD or more
(Patreon) DamselRace0.17.95 (Free for 3$ patreon tier) 456 MB
if you pay $6 USD or more
(Patreon Version) DamselRace0.17.98 (Free on $3 tier)(Offline) 882 MB
if you pay $6 USD or more
(Patreon) DamselRace0.17.99 (free on $3 tier) (Offline) 936 MB
if you pay $6 USD or more
Permanent Access Key (PLEASE READ TOP DESCRIPTION) 1.2 kB
if you pay $50 USD or more

Development log

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Hi, will you add some challenges for escaping? like tickling, orgasm, etc.



(1 edit)

Sorry! I throw updates on Discord, I've had to slow down a bit just to keep up with living expenses, but I'm working every weekend for the next update! 


To paste a paragraph from the discord announcments

Hey DamselRace fans, sorry for the lack of updates. I've paused multiplayer for now to concentrate on cool more content packed updates to enjoy in a single player variety. I'm slowly coming more towards making a well thought out single player feel and AI oriented initial protoype. I still feel strongly that a multiplayer environment will make this game shine, but at the cost of letting the game stagger while I learn netcode and build the netcode doesn't seem worth it as well. As of now, my next update is concentrating on. 

1) First and foremost updating all damsels, adding the new requested damsels, and offering tail options. 
2) Add a variant Stasis Bubble Nabber, to fulfill the critical idea of Stasis. This villian will be like the Gravity Orbs, it will project a bubble that holds the damsel in a gravity like stasis. Eventually this bubble can be augmented to either, transport, dispense chloroform or gas, and/or vacuum about the damsel into a tight binding.
3) "Unescapeable" Jail cells. I want to add cells for damsels to be escorted into that they cannot escape from (for now). Eventually there will be items or methods for "escape". But to build the system these Unescapable cells will be used in a cycle with the current Punishment Cells (Techhorse, Hypnoring), and Temporary Jail Cells (Gravity Ring, Prisoner Pole). These cells will be used as areas as a form of timeout. Keeping the damsel in one place to think out a way to escape, and/or loosen any bindings that have been placed on them. Eventually the damsel will be allowed to attack the guard that opens the door, or maybe an ally damsel opens all the jail cells and causes a jail break. These cells will offer a additional form of play, giving the damsel time before they are analyzed in a Temporary Jail Cell, or made more submissive on a Punishment Cell.
4) Proper Guard AI for number 3. Frontmen(or girls) that block doors, escort to cells, and do menial tasks to manage the map and captured damsels.


I don't think you need paypal to pay, might be wrong. And I won't be release a Free version soon! I'm still working on progress supported on Patreon and Itch.


It is expected to be 10-15$ USD. To preface, the reason a full early access key cost is large is to have access to ALL early access along the way in addition to any side benefits. 10-15$USD "should" be the price of the final product assuming no greater changes. 

I am not sure what WeChat is but I'll research it. It will be sold on Steam and Itch if available. 


I think I can work on something after half a year, but its hard. The donated version is a bit slow right now just cause im catching up on finances. So once I get into a good place I can look to making a new free version. 

As long as I buy Patreon, will I always get the latest version of the game? (In addition to the latest version in the future

No only the permanent key gets you the latest version. The patreon versions are just uploads from the patreon if you want to get access to that specific version forever. So if you buy version 17.99, you will have key access to 17.99, but no other version. Only the Permanent Access key gets you permanent early access. Eventually I'll be making a proper Steam game, for one time purchase which will host stable updates. 


ok, thank you!

still the fatal error thing :/

(1 edit)

have just read in the describtion, that it might come to steam?

i see a tiny problem with that

citation: 'this product is unavailable in your region' it unfortunaty happens quite often with such games in Germany for some reason.. idk why. 

but I hope you keep the work up, and that all goes well

thank you! And sorry, yes I am looking to base everything on Steams API. I don't know if you all can buy the game on Itch.io and redeem it on steam, let me know if this is possible. If so this may get around that. If not I will look for a new solution.

(1 edit)

IDK if that works, since I never bought anything of itch.io, but fact is, if it doesnt, Germans might be forced to become pirates, and then those 50$ would be for nothing

hello, might i ask when the next free version is releasing? i dont have money to spare rn for patreon


Currently the project is fairly expensive for me and I'm trying to keep up with current project demands so I don't believe there will be a more recent free version soon. I'll try to think one out when I can, but right now the funds are fueling my ability to continue producing more updates and taking time off work. 

how is the project expensive? Did you quit your job to work on this?

(1 edit)

No! I wouldn't survive right now haha. The cheapest option is 3$ on patreon any month you want to support! If I wrote somewhere that its expensive, I more mean I take time off work to code in the game. I mostly only do weekend coding, or nightime coding, but getting any funds lets me get some time off to do some extra middle of the week coding.  Night coding is rare for me thougn, I work long hours and by the end of the day I conk out. 

Alternatively I also mean, Itch.io is expensive. Patreon has very small fees compared to Itch. In addition I can access funds quickly, whereas Itch takes half a month to a month to release. 


i got the free version as a start. is the free version just that one "floor" all ive been able to find are thethree balls in the large room  with the pink ring bondage, the balls in the room with the big white ring bondage, and the one ball at the end of the dead end halllway. is there more in the paid version?


There is more in newer version, currently the game is in a gallery variation of sorts to show all the assets I'm gathering, making and refining to use in proper mechanics once the game is going. 

To get a proper idea of what your buying please look above in the version history provided. The free version is 17.8, every version above it states what is added to the game

Oh wow

The patreon version 0.17.9 is incredibly broken. WHen getting captured the balls don't carry you anywhere and just freeze you in place. When you escape you are frozen in place and cant move. Additionally, the main white ball at the start, when it captures you all it does is drag you off the side of the edge and cause a game freeze. I do not have this problem with other versions of the game, just 0.17.9

There were lots of bugs that 0.17.9 introduced sadly. I try to correct many of them quickly especially the gamebreaking ones, the versions forward corrected many of their issues. 

Can you NOT make Q quit? it is to close to the move keys, I have hit Q on mistake so man times and closed the game by acceident.PLEASE change the quit button to something else.

I'll add it to the next versions!


How does Sukii get it to work? She's incredibly bad with technology.

What issue are you having with the game?

(1 edit)

It says it requires Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime, and Sukii can't figure out how to get that working.

please go here, under Latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version, please download your version x64 or x86. If you don't know which or one does not work, please download both. This should fix your issue.

Thank you!

When I try to open the game, it says that there is not enough video memory allocated, so the game refuses to run. The furthest I've gotten in the game is the title screen. Is there a base spec requirement or some way to lower the resolution of the game before opening it?

Good question, I have not graded the game yet, I would need multiple PCs from low to high so not sure what minimum specs would be. If you can run modern games, no doubt this game is runable as varying levels. The title screen has very little assets, so if thats not runnable there may be other issues.

As for resolution, no I don't think so unless, but here's a try this might work.

1) Go into the folder and find GameUserSettings.ini
DamselRace0.17.96\Windows\DamselRace\Saved\Config\Windows is where I see it for the latest version

2) Change settings to what you like in the INI and save. This should change the settings. When I set all my settings to low at the lowest resolution I have avaialbe for customization these are the settings I have, though feel free to tweak if you know what your doing. 

Hope this helps! Let me know!


It worked! The error disappeared and the game runs smoothly. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Wonderful! Enjoy!

So, when i download microsoft visual c++ its all good, but when i launch the game after it comes with a message "Fatal error!" Is there a fix for this?

That normally doesn't pop up, do you have Windows 10?

Yeah, windows 10, should it be 11 or something?

Also, on the top it says "Damselrace has crashed"

Sorry this issue seems to be isolated, I'll try to do a bit more research.

Okay, thanks, hope you can fix it because i want to try this game so much

the error seems to be on your end. Does the Fatal Error come with a log? Have you tried reinstalling the version your trying to use? Which version are you using?

ah this will totally eventually beat any mod combinations you could find on a game like skyrim, especially since this is being made specifically for a sort of "escape" like game, and the only thing close i can think of is that Cinderella escape series but that's puzzles and not a race against time. and these are all solo experiences anyways nothing i mention could do what the dev has planned especially not "racing" bots that your facing against a timer with, 
I salute you dev with your future of developing this ambitious piece. 

Your too kind! I'll be doing my best to make a game we can all enjoy ;) , thats what I settled on myself. I think if I create NPC AI for solo exerpience I can only do escape/peril so much justice before it gets bland. The players are going to be the ones that really make the game shine, just need to create the proper arena for them. 

Multiplayer is still a long ways out, need lots of time prepping the netcode since its my least experienced subject, but overall everything is slowly building up well! 

I would like to tell you that the game is very beautiful. I hope you continue to develop it Please don't forget additional H-scenes thank you very much.

Thank you! Your alls encouragement is everything! I'm not sure what you mean by H-scene , but I will be attempting game over scenes and more perilous moments that force damsels to submit! Even if support drops I'll probably still be programming until the power goes out haha, so always look forward to more content!

what if you include nude skin in your game

there currently is a nude skin variant, but there isn't a mechanic to use yet. It will eventually be patched in. 

is it possible to make an export to linux and mac?

Not soon, I'll eventually research into a linux rrelease and see what I can do, but Mac is sadly a straight no.


so I have the following problem on both Linux(yes, I know it is not natively supported) and Windows 10. when I try to launch the game (ver 0.17.8), it wont launch, because apperantly I dont have visual C++ runtime installed (as a side note, Windows come with C++ Studio preinstalled)

It sadly does not for some, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=ms...
download your version, if that doesn't work, download both x86 and x64 versions. That has solved 100% of reports on this error so far. 

0.17.8 is LIVE and its FREE! Please take full advantage! Let me know of bugs over on the discord, and feel free to chat me up on anything you'd like! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hmm, I just put in $3 to try the newest alpha and it still only lets me download the free versions?
EDIT: fixed

Sweet, just incase, there are two different itch.io pages for the Free Version and the Patreon Version.

0.17.7 is LIVE! Downloads has it placed weird due to pricing, may change later....

Deleted 160 days ago

latest version does not use char switch due to main menu select

Is there a way to access the menu? I think the game is too high resolution for my laptop :/

not currently but i will be eventually including a menu to edit the games setting

У меня Окно 10 грустно что даже оценить не смогу :(

So you're clicking the EXE and nothing happens?

На какую систему была создана игра ? у меня она даже не запустилась :(

( Assuming I translated correctly ) The system is for Windows 10 PC . It is what is natively allowed for Unreal Engine 5

(1 edit)

I started the game and every girl was already restrained in the tube trap, couldn't switch damsels or anything. was this intentional

yes! Just press E and you'll get released. Then you can look at each damsel girl and release them with E as well. 

azerty …. switching keyboard layout don’t work for me

Apologies, I'm not sure what it takes to make QWERTY into AZERTY compatible. Eventually I'll include a key mapping system, perhaps that might help.

Is there meant to be sound? Because I don’t hear it…


Sorry, as far as I've tested the sound functions on my end.

Is there no way to set the graphics level? I keep seeing the “memory over budget” message.


There is not, there will eventually be options once I start the first game map.

Are the versions gonna be free as they get older?

(1 edit)

Free versions will stay free, paid versions will stay paid. That being said I think the upcoming 0.18 will be free, and maybe in the far future another update will be free. But 0.18 may be the last free update to be released. 

Edit: I didn't think on the potential of what you said, I may in the future release older version for free, but if I do that I'll eventually only go to half the game. After that I'll include a very simple demo once the full game is released.

that is good to know. I also think it is good, that with helpp of Wine the Game also runs on Linux ^^

Awesome! Good to know. Yeah I'm not looking to do compatibility for Mac, as its just to expensive I've heard. And I've known that Linux can just use their compatibility software like Wine and Proton to get Windows Apps going.

most of them anyways

Is this game going to be NSFW?

also down the line could be interesting if you would play as the "balls" and you would try to capture the subjects

Yes, for now the game will start on the more acceptable spectrum of kinks, then  move into more specific and nuanced kinks that may have more of a minority in popularity, these areas will be separated and can be toggled on and off if people don't want to interact with certain content.

And yes later down the line, not only will the game be coop for the damsels. But the farthest update I'm looking to make, is letting a player control the enemy minions (like the orbs).

cool great so progress so far, and if u dont mind me asking, what are your pc specs?

My PC specs are
GPU -AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz
16Gb of RAM
Windows 10 

When I try to run the game, it just says 'Point of entry SetThreadDescription isn't found in DLL library'. Can someome help, please?

I might be wrong but I think thats another Microsoft Visual Error. Download this and let me know if it helps https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=ms...

Didn't work.

sorry I've never heard of this problem

what windows are you running?

windows 7, 64

Sorry, as stated on the main page, Unreal Engine 5 has a Windows 10 requirement.

i dont get it whats the point of the game

This is just a test to see the current restraints, there's no objective yet.


Yes exactly, thank you for the response! I am in a demo state right now building the game daily.

Hi. After i installed it, i launch the game but it shows the error and it say it needs component to run this games Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime.



just install the version that matches your system, most likely win 64

Alrighty. Will do. Thanks.